Turning a New Leaf
We believe a sustainable future is a balance of ecological integrity, economic opportunity, and human well-being.
We are the Ambassadors
for a Better World
As ambassadors to this planet, we need to preserve its resources and care for its people.
New Leaf Africa provides opportunity for such action through climate-mitigation projects with a lifetime of sustainability as its goal.
Our projects have a significant impact throughout Africa and domino into equally impactful
bi-products such as living a healthier and more productive life, eliminating super-dependence on native resources and, through education, creating the mindfulness to reduce the damage done to our environment and atmosphere.
Why Africa?
You Have a Role to Play
of the world's poorest regions reside in Africa
414 million
people still live in extreme poverty

400 million
people are suffering from waterborne diseases

New Leaf Africa
develops projects with quantifiable impacts throughout Africa that will
have a significant
environmental impact and a waterfall effect of social co-benefits including health,
and education.